Using standalone DDG predictor

Dear lab team,

I'm a student in Tel-Aviv university working on the problem of predicting DDG and I'm trying to use your standalone DDG predictor in order to reproduce the reported results of your method.

I downloaded your BindProfX suite, and I followed the attached readme which instructed me to follow another readme which instructed me to download some files from the following link:

I proceeded to installing Biopython (you didn't specify which version so I installed the newest 1.72).

I ran your script on the input in your demo dir (kindly see attached):

python2 XBindProf/demo/

and I am getting the following error from Biopython:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 357, in
File "", line 248, in get_final_score
File "/home/yotamfr/Downloads/BindProfX.2017-03-04/bin/module/", line 43, in reindex_complex[0],index,[-1])
File "/home/yotamfr/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Bio/PDB/", line 173, in id
" this entity.".format(self._id, value, value))
ValueError: Cannot change id from `(' ', 1, ' ')` to `(' ', 1, ' ')`. The id `(' ', 1, ' ')` is already used for a sibling of this entity.

I tried different inputs but I always get the same error. Kindly provide me with your exact configuration, and the Biopython version you're using so I can reproduce your results.

Best regards,