Usage of script

Dear Team!

I'm trying to compute BindProfX score to the 983 SKEMPI pdb complexes for which I couldn't find the score/alignment in your released paper data. For this I'm using your script like so:

../../BindProfX/bin/XBindProf/ bindprofx/1JRH/complex.pdb 0.5 ../data/XBindProfPaperData/align/1JRH.aln

However the script fails with the following error:

"too many interface for bindprofx/1JRH/complex.pdb at ../../BindProfX/bin/XBindProf/ line 60, line 49933."

Could you please shed some light on this?

Best regards,

I'm attaching the original pdb file that I used under alias "complex.pdb"