Segmentation fault at 2.1 run Psi-blast


I have the standalone version installed. All parameters are shown. However, I am getting a segmentation fault at step 2.1. This is the I-TASSER 2.0 package, if that helps. At step 2.4.1, removing homology templates based on and 1, the CPU usage goes down to around 5%, So I don't know if I-Tasser is doing anything or not, but here is a transcript so far. Can anyone offer any assistance or a way to correct what is going wrong. See below:

Your setting is:
-libdir =/opt/I-TASSER2.0
-seqname =seq
-datadir =/home2/chiraagk/Desktop/Eagle
-usrname =chiraagk
-runstyle =parallel
-idcut =1
-ntemp =20
-nmodel =5
1. make seq.txt and rmsinp
2.1 run Psi-blast
sh: line 1: 1511 Segmentation fault /opt/I-TASSER2.0/blast/bin/blastpgp -b 1000 -j 3 -h 0.001 -d /opt/I-TASSER2.0/nr/nr -i protein.fasta -C psitmp.chk -Q pssm.txt > blast.out
2.3 run solve
2.3 run solve
2.4 run pairmod
2.4.1 removing homology templates based on and 1