
COACH results for job QHD43423

COACH Results

Click to viewRankC-scoreCluster
Consensus Binding Residues
10.17 7 4lm7A U5P Rep, Mult 49,50,51,52,53,54,55,107,109,111,149,156,174
20.09 5 2y04B 2CV Rep, Mult 352,353
30.05 2 4kxjA P34 Rep, Mult 49,50,51,90,91,109,111
40.05 3 2jxmA HEC N/A 115,117
50.04 2 1qh4D CA Rep, Mult 355,358
60.02 1 1c9uA CA N/A 92,116,117,228
70.02 1 1z1nX k-mer N/A 148,154
80.02 1 3tyhC CU N/A 111,112
90.02 1 2z3hB BLO N/A 123,132
100.02 1 N/A N/A N/A 14,16,17,262,264,270,271,274,275,277,281,283,285,286,291,301,307,309,318,334,335,336,337,353

Download the residue-specific binding probability, which is estimated by SVM.
Download the predicted bound ligands and detailed prediction summary.
Download the templates clustering results.
(a)C-score is the confidence score of the prediction. C-score ranges [0-1], where a higher score indicates a more reliable prediction.
(b)Cluster size is the total number of templates in a cluster.
(c)Lig Name is the name of possible binding ligand. Click the ligand name to view its information in the BioLiP database.
(d)Rep is a single complex structure with the most representative ligand in the cluster, i.e., the one listed in the Lig Name column.
Mult is the complex structures with all potential binding ligands in the cluster.
TM-SITE Results

Click to viewRankC-scoreaCluster
Ligandse Predicted binding site residues
10.23 4 2y04B_BS08_2CV Download FE(2),78M(1),2CV(1),.. 352,353
20.22 3 4lm7A_BS01_U5P Download U5P(1),CQD(1),AMP(1) 49,50,51,52,53,54,55,107,109,111,149,156,174
30.16 2 1qh4D_BS01_CA Download CA(1),XYP(1) 355,358

(a)C-score is the confidence score of predicted binding site. C-score ranges [0-1], where a higher score indicates a more reliable prediction.
(b)Cluster size is the number of templates in a cluster.
(c)Rep Templ presents a representaive ligand-protein template from a cluster. The template names are: (PDBIDchain)_(BioLiP site #)_(Ligand ID). Click the corresponding template to download the structure.
(d)Mult Templ provides all ligand-protein complex structures in a cluster, where each ligand is separated by "TER".
(e)Ligands lists all ligands in a cluster. The numbers in the parentheses are the appearing times of the corresponding ligands. Click the ligand name to visualize its detailed information in BioLiP.
S-SITE Results

Click to view Rank C-scoreaCluster
Templatesc Ligandsd Predicted binding site residues
1 0.20 4 List CA(2),HEC(1),U(1) 92,115,116,117
2 0.14 2 List CU(1),GTX(1) 111,112,116,160
3 0.13 1 List PLA(1) 112,277
4 0.13 1 List BLO(1) 123,132
5 0.12 1 List CA(1) 92,116,117,228

(a)C-score is the confidence score of predicted binding site. C-score ranges [0-1], where a higher score indicates a more reliable prediction.
(b)Cluster size is the number of templates in a cluster.
(c)Templates presents the list of templates in a cluster. The template names are: (PDBIDchain)_(BioLiP site #)_(Ligand ID). Click the corresponding template to search the BioLiP database. When the number of templates is >5, click "show all templates" to get the list of all templates in the cluster
(d)Ligands lists ligands in a cluster. The numbers in the parentheses are the appearing times for the corresponding ligands. Click the ligand name to visualize its detailed information in BioLiP.

Click to viewRankC-scoreaPDB
TM-scoreRMSDbIDENcCovdBS-scoreeLig. NameDownload
Predicted binding site residues
10.284lm7A0.290 1.640.4230.3011.51U5PDownload49,50,51,52,53,54,55,107,109,111,149,156,174
20.194lmtA0.289 1.640.4230.3011.39CQDDownload50,51,109,111,149,155,156
30.184kxjA0.294 1.810.4030.3081.46P34Download49,50,51,90,91,109,111
40.013kllA0.296 6.950.0720.4920.86MALDownload271,272,273,274,276

(a)C-score is the confidence score of predicted binding site. C-score values range in between [0-1]; where a higher score indicates a more reliable prediction.
(b)RMSD the RMSD between residues that are structurally aligned by TM-align.
(c)IDEN is the percentage sequence identity in the structurally aligned region.
(d)Cov represents the coverage of global structural alignment and is equal to the number of structurally aligned residues divided by length of the query protein.
(e)BS-score is a measure of local similarity (sequence & structure) between template binding site and predicted binding site in the query structure. Based on large scale benchmarking analysis, we have observed that a BS-score >1 reflects a significant local match between the predicted and template binding site.
No binding site was predicted by FINDSITE.
ConCavity Results

Click to viewRank C-score Predicted binding residues
1 0.28 14,16,17,262,264,270,271,274,275,277,281,283,285,286,291,301,307,309,318,334,335,336,337,353
2 0.21 51,53,54,109,111,149,177
3 0.20 260

Please cite the following articles when you use the COACH server:
1. Jianyi Yang, Ambrish Roy and Yang Zhang, Protein-ligand binding site recognition using complementary binding-specific substructure comparison and sequence profile alignment, Bioinformatics, 29: 2588-2595 (2013) (download the PDF file)
2. Jianyi Yang, Ambrish Roy and Yang Zhang, BioLiP: a semi-manually curated database for biologically relevant ligand-protein interactions., Nucleic Acids Research, 41: D1096-D1103 (2013) (download the PDF file).