Question about BSpred usage

After installing the software on our sever, I submitted the sequence saved in the original file: INSTALL_BSpred/bin/example/seq.txt to your web sever. I found the result from your web sever is different from the result in INSTALL_BSpred/bin/example/prediction.txt.

Then I ran BSpred in our sever for my sequence, I got the following information:
starting time: Tue Feb 26 10:35:52 CST 2013
pwd: /home/xkf2b/INSTALL_BSpred/bin/datadir
running psipred for secondary structure prediction...
Running solvent accessibility prediction...
running Psi-blast .....
cat: protein1.mtx: No such file or directory
running interface prediction...
rm: cannot remove `input.txt': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `nninp.txt': No such file or directory
BSpred output file prediction.txt has been generated. Quitting...

rm: cannot remove `example.seq': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `output1': No such file or directory

Could you help me to solve the problem?
Thank you for your precious time!