I-tasser dependencies and the use of virtual machine

First of all, thank you for developing this program and sharing it with academia.
Secpnd, "INSTALLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF I-TASSER SUITE" says that the program will only run on 64 bit Linux. Does this mean

"It is possible to run I-TASSER on Windows, but we reserve the right to refuse support"
"It is possible to run I-TASSER on Windows, but this would require reverse engineering that we explicitly prohibit"
or "Some features of Linux are hardwired in the program and there is no workaround"
or "No comments"?

(Unless the answer is "4") can you please tell the dependencies of I-TASSER? If it solemnly rely on Perl, than I see why it wouldn't work on Windows out of the box and the possible workarounds. User would have to install Perl and replace "\home\yourusername\I-tasser\I-TASSERmod\runI-TASSER.pl" with "C\:\\I-TASSER\\I-TASSERmod\\runI-TASSER.pl". Same issues with other special symbols. This is doable, but you would like to avoid questions like "how do I install Perl?'.
If it depends on some Linux commands then one would have to find gnu analogue of those commands for Windows and edit the Perl script
If it uses Linux features heavily, then oh well...

What about 64 bit OS - is this a critical requirement or I-TASSER was only tested on 64 bit systems and there might be some bugs on 32 bit OS?
Finally, will I-TASSER run on virtual Linux?

Thank you in advance.