I-TASSER 2.1 Standalone issue--Need some help-Thanks

Hello Admin:

I am using the latest version (2.1) of ITASSER (& the template library files). I am running I-TASSER in
parallel mode in Linux cluster (with Ubuntu OS).
Linux fr-s-head-1 3.2.0-26-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14 17:49:24 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I had successfully installed/used the previous version of ITasser in parallel mode with no issues.
This time, I am having some issues.

The err_IT_wMUSTERmod (see below) contains several lines of "cannot open protein". The modeling seems to
run and I do not see any other errors. The latest set of output files that I see are:

Can someone help me identify what might be causing this error?

Thanks very much


#execution command
# JAVA HOME, Blast exe seems to be okay.

$libdir/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -libdir ${libdir} -java_home ${JAVAHOME} -seqname np_47 -datadir ${MYHOME} -usrname ${USER} -runstyle parallel -idcut 0.3 -ntemp 15 -nmodel 3


cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein