While running I-TASSER

Dear All

While running I-TASSER Suite with following settings I am getting an error "error: the sequence length is not in the range [10, 1500]"
While my protein sequence has 436 amino acids.

Your setting for I-TASSER is:
-pkgdir =../../../Downloads/I-TASSER3.0
-libdir =../../../Downloads/ITLIB
-java_home =../../../Downloads/Java/jre1.7.0_60
-seqname =Seq_86
-datadir =../../../Downloads/I-TASSER3.0
-usrname =root
-runstyle =serial
-homoflag =real
-idcut =1
-ntemp =20
-nmodel =5
-light =false
-LBS =false
-EC =false
-GO =false

1. make seq.txt and rmsinp
error: the sequence length is not in the range [10, 1500]

Can you please help me in resolving this error.

Thanks and Regards