Unreadable files in I-TASSER Library downloads

When we run the download_library script and repopulate the ITLAB directory tree we've noticed that many files do not have the universal read bit set:

-rwxrwx--- 1 1921090 44400 54498 Jun 9 2010 1f88A.mtx
-rwxrwx--- 1 1921090 44400 52934 Jun 9 2010 1gzmA.mtx
-rwxrwx--- 1 1921090 44400 54781 Jun 9 2010 1l9hA.mtx
-rwxrwx--- 1 1921090 44400 12212 Jun 18 2010 1vsy3.mtx

This causes our I-TASSER run to error out when it hits a library file it can't open. Since all the files are retaining the permissions set on your side, could you please add the read bit everywhere?

To do this you could run
chmod -R o+r *
in ITLIB before creating the tar archives that are downloaded every week.