unexplained Illegal division by zero error

I have installed I-TASSER on my local machine. Everything went well during installation. I have also downloaded the libraries using the perl script included in the package. However, when I try to run the command as shown below, using the example seq.fasta provided in I-TASSER/example/, I get the division by zero error. I get the same error when running in serial mode. I have also changed the pair99 file to the pair99-64 file provided in the 2011 thread. I would very much like to use this software, thank you for any help.

(Sun Jul-7 9:33:18pm)-(CPU 9.6%:0:Net 45)-(sebastien:~/I-TASSER5.1/I-TASSERmod)-(4.8M:33)
> ./runI-TASSER.pl -libdir ~/ITLIB/ -runstyle gnuparallel -seqname exmp1 -datadir ~/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2/ -java_home /usr

Your setting for running I-TASSER is:
-pkgdir = /home/sebastien/I-TASSER5.1
-libdir = /home/sebastien/ITLIB
-java_home = /usr
-seqname = exmp1
-datadir = /home/sebastien/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2
-outdir = /home/sebastien/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2
-runstyle = gnuparallel
-homoflag = real
-idcut = 1
-ntemp = 20
-nmodel = 5
-light = false
-hours = 50
-LBS = false
-EC = false
-GO = false

1. make seq.txt and rmsinp
Your protein contains 143 residues:
> exmp1
2.1 run Psi-blast
2.2 Secondary structure prediction was done before.
2.3 Predict solvent accessibility...
2.4 run pairmod
2.4.1 Use all templates
submit threading jobs first and run pair during threading
3.1 do threading
start gnuparallel threading PPAS
start gnuparallel threading dPPAS
start gnuparallel threading dPPAS2
start gnuparallel threading Env-PPAS
start gnuparallel threading MUSTER
start gnuparallel threading wPPAS
start gnuparallel threading wdPPAS
start gnuparallel threading wMUSTER
Illegal division by zero at /home/sebastien/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2/PPAS_exmp1 line 354.
Illegal division by zero at /home/sebastien/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2/dPPAS_exmp1 line 356.
Illegal division by zero at /home/sebastien/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2/dPPAS2_exmp1 line 355.
Illegal division by zero at /home/sebastien/prot_struct_preds/alt_ryr2/Env-PPAS_exmp1 line 352.