MR-REX: searching with multiple separate domains / SegmentsFile / CPUs


I have read with great interest your recent paper describing MR-REX, and would like to ask you whether it is possible not only to search for multiple copies of a single search model (using the NumCopies parameter), but also for different search models at the same time - for example to search for two different domains of a multi-domain protein (for each of which I have a separate template).

I have also a couple of minor questions that came up by trying to run the program on one of our machines:

- What exactly is the SegmentsFile mentioned at the end of the parameter file? MR-REX seems to need it to start, so I just created an empty file... but is that the correct way to use it? Perhaps this file is later populated by the program itself, to specify inaccurate residue stretches whose occupancy should be optimized?

- Can the program take advantage of more than one CPU?

Thanks and best regards,
