About GPCR-HGmod's homology models of structure-known GPCRs without using same types of structure-known GPCRs as templates

I'd like to ask you about models of GPCR-HGmod.

In GPCR-HGmod, models of structure-known GPCRs used the same types of structure-known GPCRs as templates.
For example, the homology model of Adenosine A2aR is using structure-known A2aRs as templates: HG0876 P29274, https://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/GPCR-HGmod/models/P29274/

However, I'd like to use models of structure-known GPCRs without using the same types of structure-known GPCRs as templates for "blind-test".

Are there such models in Zhang lab's server?
Or, are there any ways to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance.