I have submitted two protein sequences trying to know predicted both Ligand binding site and active site residues. the two proteis are king of related but are very different in terms they activity based on our work. One of them (pPLAIIIa with job ID S501686) had only Ligand binding sites and nothing on the enzyme active site residues. The other one which is pPLAIIa with a job ID S502997 showed both Ligand binding site and active site residues. The folding looks almost the same, my question is why pPLAIIIa (from lab work has almost no activity when expressed in bacteria) did not show enzyme active site residues? what does this prediction results actually mean? any idea why a protein might not predict the enzyme active site? Could it be like it needs another protein to be active? I am just wondering

Bellow are the job IDs for the two protein results from your lab. Any comments about this issue please let me know since I am not an expert in protein predictions.
ID S501686
ID S502997

Thank you so much for the great work your are doing.