Help with I-TASSER2.1 run

Trying to configure I-TASSER2.1 suite and have unpacked and set everything according to instructions. Even updated blastv2.6. Every run I get this error.

1. make seq.txt and rmsinp
2.1 run Psi-blast
segmentation fault (core dumped)
cp: cannot stat 'psitmp.chk' : No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'pssm.txt' : No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/home/ubuntu/I-TASSER2.1/seq/psitmp.chk' : No such file or directory
[makemat] FATAL ERROR: Unable to open file psitmp.chk

cp: cannot stat 'psitmp.mtx': No scuh file or directory

Can someone give me an idea on what is going on here? I've found that pssm.txt actually does exist and does not hold a value of 0 (checked by !-s in so I don't know why this isn't being picked up. I downloaded and extracted all files yesterday and used the newest nr versions available. Thanks in advance