Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2007 18:42:52 +0100 To: Yang Zhang Subject: I-TASSER energy potential questions Dear Prof. Zhang, I am very grateful for providing the potentials. I have spent some time analysing them trying to learn how they were used in I-TASSER, but some aspects still remain unclear for me. I would appreciate if you were so kind and answer the following questions to help me understand the details needed to implement the I-TASSER force field. 1) What are the distance "bins" used for r13, r14 and r15 potentials? There are 2 values for r13. Do they correspond to bins: < 4Å, > 4Å? There are 3*8=24 values for r14. Do the correspond to bins in range(-12Å,12A) with step 1Å? The r14 potential also seems to be chirality depended (probably half is used for the left, half for the right-handed conformations). They are 2*8=16 values for r15 . Do they correspond to bins in range(1Å,8Å) with step 0.5Å? 2) How is the final potential for r14 and r15 decided? I know it is a combination of general (r1x) and secondary structure specific potential (r1xe/r1xh). Is this just an arithmetic mean? 3) Are the short range potentials E'12 to E'15 for side chain interactions from TOUCHSTONE-II article used by I-TASSER? As TASSER articles mention modification in the short range force field I guess that since you did not list them on the web site, they might be not used anymore to calculate E_short. Is that correct? 4) How are the contact cutoff values related to R_min and R_max from TOUCHSTONE-II force field? I guess in I-TASSER the fixed 3.25Å hard core and range(3.25Å,5Å) soft core is not used anymore. The comments in potential file mention addition of 2.5 standard deviation to the mean. Is that a soft core range now with the mean being hard core diameter? 5) What is the meaning of two groups of quasi (pairwise orientation-dependent) potentials? The 2D matrix of values is given for each pair of amino acids and parallel, anti-parallel and perpendicular orientations. However, instead of 3 matrices there are 6 of them. What is the meaning of this two groups? Is it dependency on predicted secondary structure? 6) How to interpret the profile potential? For each amino acid 9 matrices of 9x9 values are given, so it looks as the 3D matrix for parallel, anti-parallel and perpendicular residues in contact. What "bins" are used here? Is it just the range(0,8)? Thank you again for your kind help. -- Best regards,