visual template sequence coverage for standalone I-TASSER

UPDATE 1 : I have replace the attachment with a new version (see description below)

I wanted to get a quick visual and global representation of the sequence coverage by the templates selected by LOMETS in standalone I-TASSER 3.0. Something similar to the "Top 10 templates used by I-TASSER" section on the I-TASSER server.

I therefore wrote this small gawk script (see attached lomets-coverage.txt, which you may want to rename to lomets-coverage).

The output is shown in the attached coverage.txt

The alignment information shown for the threading methods :

position covered by template, with identity : amino acid letter
position covered by template, without identity : =
position not covered by template : -

This allows for a quick visual view of the regions that are / aren't covered by the threading methods

The lomets-coverage script needs to be executed, without argument, in the directory where the init.dat file is located (it uses the init.dat and the rmsinp files as input).

All template alignments present in init.dat are shown by default (normally, that means 120 alignments). If one only wants the top templates, simply pipe to a head -n statement. Example:
lomets-coverage | head -n 15 > coverage.txt
with only show the top 10 template alignments, and the output is saved in the coverage.txt file.

To view the output of long sequences, it may be useful to disable the wrapping of the text viewer you are using. If you use vim, simply use: vim -c ":set nowrap" coverage.txt