Need some information regarding the outcome of the `qsub` and `qstat`invocations in I-Tasser

Dear all,

not running PBS, SGE or Slurm at our site, I want to patch I-Tasser to run with LSF. To do that - and not having PBS available to test the commands used -, I'd need to know, what the expected result of the following lines of code is:

In file
840 $bsub=`qsub -e $errfile -o $outfile -l $walltime -N $tag $jobname`;
1661 $bsub=`qsub $datadir/$tagnames{$i}`;

831 my $running=`qstat -f`;
886 my $running=`qstat -f`;
1689 $counter=`qstat |grep $usrname |grep $seqname\sim |wc -l`;

In file
455 $bsub =`qsub -e $errfile -o $outfile -l $walltime -N $tag $jobname`;
446 my $running=`qstat -f`;
483 my $running=`qstat -f`;

All line numbers refer to I-Tasser version 4.2 as of November 7th, 2014.

What information and in what format do you expect in the variables $bsub, $running and $counter after the above assignments? This information should help me to craft the correspondent LSF commands and Perl code.

Thank you very much in advance