Where should I extract library files?

I a nut shell: should it be
~/HomeI-TASSER/nr/nr/some.file or ~/HomeI-TASSER/nr/some.file

I just installed I-TASSER on Ubuntu and I am trying to run a test sequence. The output doesn't look good (see the end of the post).The same error was described in this post:

I have checked "the path of your PSIBLAST executable: /home/mcho/I-TASSER/blast/bin/blastpgp" . Yes, the path is correct.

I think, the problem comes from the step "4.2. Files needed to download and install" of the manual. I think that I extracted them in a wrong place. For example, right now I have a directory ~/Home/I-TASSER/nr in this folder I have folders

In turn nr01 folder contains

So, what path for extracted files is correct
~/HomeI-TASSER/nr/nr/some.file or ~/HomeI-TASSER/nr/some.file

If the answer is "correct path is ~/HomeI-TASSER/nr/some.file" then where should the nr.00 - nr.05 files go?

what about *.sig files? Should it be
~/HomeI-TASSER/SIG/SIG/*.sig or ~/HomeI-TASSER/SIG/SIG/*.sig ?

Thanks in advance.

PS. the error looks like this

cp: cannot stat `/home/stepan/I-TASSER/input/pssm.txt': No such file or directory
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
2.3 run solve
cp: cannot stat `/home/stepan/I-TASSER/input/pssm.txt': No such file or directory
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
cannot open protein
2.3 run solve