Parallel Running


I am using a machine having configuration as follows: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6176 (64 bit) with 48 cores and 235 gb RAM
Sir, I run the simulations in parallel style but at a time only 6 simulations are running though there are 48 cores. So how can I use all the cores to run all the simulations (here it is 15 only) at once? again I am using nohup command and in the nohup.out file it is showing 6 simulations are running simultaneously but while I use top command to check the processes only "cas_querysim_6M" i.e. only 6th simulation is showing. But other simulations must be shown in terminal by top command but why they are not showing? They are not yet completed.please clear all of these questions. Please give me some suggestions so that the I-TASSER programme may take less time. Again tell me about the system configuration needed to complete I-TASSER programme within maximum 2-3 hrs. Sir tell me another thing, is that command line package give the function annotation of the given aa sequence?

Thanking you