Default value for -homoflag is not "real" in ($run does not have a default value)

According to, Step 2.4.1 should either be:

a) if homoflag = real ($run=real):
/bin/cp $plibdir/PDB/list ./list

b) if homoflag = benchmark ($run=benchmark) , go through a somewhat lengthy process of removing homologs

Documentation says that the default is "real".

However, if one does not specify homoflag, the output for step 2.4.1 is :
2.4.1 removing homology templates based on and 1
=> please remark the absence of "real" after "based on"
=> takes almost an hour, just like if I would use "-homoflag benchmark -idcut 1.0"
=> the end-result is a "list" file identical to $plibdir/PDB/list

If one specifies "-homoflag real":
2.4.1 removing homology templates based on real and 1
=> takes less than a second

if one specifies "-homoflag benchmark":
2.4.1 removing homology templates based on benchmark and 0.3
=> takes almost an hour to do "align" with all the PDB library

For now, I run it with "-homoflag real" to save almost an hour of CPU time...

Should line 12 in be uncommented? :
#$run="real"; #'real', use all templates; 'benchmark', homology will be removed