Results from I-TASSER web server and stand alone version are different with the same sequence


I have tried both I-TASSER web server ( and the stand alone version of I-TASSER for the same sequence. However, the models predicted are different : all the five best models are different. I also noticed that the c-scores of the models from the web server are smaller than the c-scores of those predicted by the stand-alone version in our own server.

The stand-alone I-TASSER we used is I-TASSER 2.1. Both the I-TASSER program and the library are downloaded on 12/20/2012 from I-TASSER website.
All the default parameters are used for the prediction both in the web version and the stand-alone version. serial mode was chosen for the stand-alone version.

So what will cause the differences of the results?

Thank you very much.