How to match the result from a local instance of I-TASSER 3.0 to the online version of I-TASSER?

I had recently installed a local version of I-TASSER 3.0. I ran a protein through the local instance using the following parameters.
-pkgdir =/softwares/I-TASSER/I-TASSER3.0
-libdir =/softwares/I-TASSER/ITLIB
-java_home =/usr
-seqname =PAK1_cds2269
-datadir =/softwares/I-TASSER/Testing8
-usrname =leung25
-runstyle =serial
-homoflag =real
-idcut =1
-ntemp =20
-nmodel =5
-LBS =true
-EC =true
-GO =true

When I submit the same protein to the I-TASSER website (, my results from my local instance do not seem to match the one that came back from the I-TASSER online. Below are my questions:
1. I just want to make sure I am looking at the right files. Can you tell me how I can do a one-to-one matching of the files from my local instance to the results which I get back in the form of HTML? I can see all 5 pdb models, but I have problem matching the EC, GO, and ligand binding site prediction results, the secondary structure prediction results and the solvent accessibility results. Also, where is the specific file containing the top 10 templates used by I-TASSER in the local instance? Where is the specific file containing the top 10 proteins with highly similar structure in PDB?
2. I want to make sure that I am using the same libraries as the ones in the online version of I-TASSER. Where do I go to download the libraries to make sure that my libraries are identical as the ones in the online version of I-TASSER?
3. How often do you update your libraries? Will you make an announcement on I-TASSER when you update a library or a software in I-TASSER? If so, where do you make that announcement?
