can‘t construct disulfide bond


I'm working on a peptide with 47 AA contaning 2 cys. according to our experiment ,the 2 cys are will form disulfide bond between cys33 and cys42.
When I submitted the FASTA format of the peptide to the I-TASSER server, I can not get one model with disulfide bond between cys33 and cys42.
our job id: S377700

the sequence we input is:

and in order to product disulfide bond in the predicted structure,we set a “restraint.txt”file in Option I:Assign contact/distance restraints as below:

DIST 33 CA 42 CA 8.0

At the same time ,we input Option I :Specify template without alignment 5Y0H:_ .

In fact,5Y0H possess disulfide bond between cys7 and cys16(equal to cys33 and cys42 in predicted peptide A6)
Is there any mistake in our restraint.txt(if so,how to correct it) or the disulfide bond in our peptide actually can not be predicted in the I-TASSER server ?

Thank you